Monday 22 April 2013

Hey Guys, Rachel here again. So what you see in front of you is just an example of the young bright talent here in Trinidad and Tobago. This stage took almost seven months to build and is still a work in progress. Rivers, hill sides, trees, out house and bath area, house and puppets. Two men are responsible for this work of art, Joel and Cassious  . A lot of effort thought dedication and money was put into this set. The story is a simple one but the filming is going to take at least 4 months. The editing is going to take at least a month, but dont worry I will let you know to look out for this wonder and inspiring film. So way to go guys awesome work so far and I too look forward to seeing your stop motion film.

Friday 12 April 2013

A New Beginnig

Hey guys , Rachel here again, To embark on a new adventure.
well  u know I  started by posting all the work I did recently  at Full Circle Animation Studios, now I've  decided to let u guys into my life an view the world through my eyes. I will still be posting all my work I did  at UTT  John D Campus but with a little twist. I  have learned so much and   my eyes are even so more open . Everything I see now can be animated or filmed for  your  enjoyment.
This new experience has been for the best .I enjoy graphics and animation but sometimes it is better when you have the freedom to create anything that speaks to the little person inside you.
No one can tell you that it is wrong , so let’s share all the crazy things we see out there and share the knowledge. Let us all have  a good laugh and have some fun .My Ideas are for anyone that has the desire to try new fun and innovative things so feel free to and links , pictures etc.  
 You may see things that  may or may not interest you , and you have the freedom to voice your opinions and comment, ask questions and even send links to view posts that you think may interest me or other viewers you have the creative freedom to do so here .